Cleveland Digital Vision
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
NICE ARTICLE ABOUT THE RAINBOW TERRACE LEARNING CENTER in today's Plain Dealer. The Rainbow Terrace center, opened a year ago, is the flagship project for Tri-C's "Technology and Information Literacy Initiative" (TILI), which is also working with existing or new computer programs at Arbor Park Village, West Side Ecumenical Ministries, the Spanish American Committee, and the Famicos Foundation's Park Village. TILI is led by Tiffany Barnes, District Director of Learning Resources at Tri-C Metro Campus and Digital Vision's new Board President. (You can contact her here for more informaton.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2003
COMPUTER OCCUPATIONS "FASTEST-GROWING" IN CLEVELAND AREA: A new report by the state's Department of Jobs and Family Services says that eight of the ten fastest-growing occupations in greater Cleveland through 2010 will be in computer technology. Average pay: Anywhere from $13 to $29 an hour.

Here are the area's ten top high-growth jobs, as projected by the state's just-released Ohio Job Outlook.

Monday, November 17, 2003
ULTRAFAST INTERNET FOR ALL IN UTAH? From today's New York Times...

SALT LAKE CITY - When it comes to the Internet, residents of Utah are taking matters into their own hands.

In a 21st-century twist on Roosevelt-era public works projects, Salt Lake City and 17 other Utah cities are planning to build the largest ultrahigh-speed digital network in the country.

They call it "Utopia", of course. Here's the whole article.

NEW DIGITAL VISION OFFICERS ELECTED: The Digital Vision Board today elected officers for 2003-2004. They are:

President -- L. Tiffany Barnes, District Director of Learning Resources, Cuyahoga Community College; Vice-President -- Don Slocum, Executive Director, Cleveland Neighborhood Leadership Institute; Secretary -- Dan Valerian, Vice-President, Cleveland Scholarships Program; Treasurer -- Charles MacDowell, Executive Director, the Thea Bowman Center.

See a list of the whole 2003-2004 Board of Directors here.

Friday, November 07, 2003
FIRSTGOV EN ESPANOL: Sister Alicia Alvarado just sent this out on the "Comunidad Latina" mailing list:

In an effort to make government more accessible to the nation's 28.1 million Spanish speakers, the General Services Administration (GSA) has unveiled "FirstGov en Espanol," a portal that allows users to access tens of thousands of pages of federal and state Spanish-language Web pages. Using FirstGov en EspaƱol, the U.S. Spanish-speaking population can obtain information on a wide variety of topics such as health, education, housing, benefits, citizenship and voting. Visitors can also perform various online transactions, all in Spanish, and can phone in or email questions, all answered in Spanish.

To access the new website, click on

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